28 February 2007 :
Donald Miller, 44, was executed for a robbery and shooting 25 years ago that left two men dead. Miller was 19 when he and two accomplices were arrested for the February 1982 robbery and execution-style shootings of Michael Mozingo, 29, and Kenneth Whitt, 19. Court records show the two furniture salesmen were lured to Segura's house for a delivery, robbed, bound with electrical tape, taken to another location and murdered.Miller spent 24 years on death row, making him among the longest serving of almost 400 Texas prisoners awaiting lethal injection.
Miller, who was convicted of murdering Mozingo only, was the sixth condemned inmate executed this year in Texas, America's most active capital punishment state. Five more convicted murderers are set to die next month, including two next week.
(Sources: International Herald Tribune, 27/02/2007)