29 May 2013 :
An accountant, who slit the throat of a compatriot housewife in her flat after persuading her to let him in by asking for a glass of water, has been sentenced to death in the UAE.The Court of First Instance gave the 28-year-old Indian the capital punishment for premeditated murder, which was linked to the robbery of the victim’s jewellery.
According to prosecution records, the accused first knocked on the victim’s door in Al Rafaa alleging he wanted the purchase receipt of a second-hand washing machine he had bought from her husband. But when told to come back later when her husband would be home the accused fooled the housewife to let him in after he asked her for a glass of water.
The defendant admitted the murder in the investigation saying he was in dire financial conditions and after the murder he stole a bag full with gold jewellery.
The victim’s husband told the prosecutor that the stolen jewellery were worth between Dh20,000 to Dh25,000.
A police major said that the murder was reported on September 26, last year.
The victim was stabbed in the neck and her body had stab wound marks in the face and hands.
The verdict can be appealed within 15 days.
(Sources: khaleejtimes.com, 28/05/2013)