12 June 2007 :
With reference to previous UNPO initiatives related to the ongoing campaign for a global moratorium on the death penalty, UNPO has urged its members to add their voices to a final call for support as important deadlines approach. On 18 June 2007, the General Affairs Committee of the European Union will have on its agenda a decision concerning the global moratorium on the death penalty at the UN. Ahead of this crucial meeting there is however an ongoing discussion proposing that this issue be dealt with at the next, rather than current session of the UN General Assembly.Experience suggests that heading the calls to wait until the “next session” will mean no action at all.
93 countries have already signed a Declaration committing them to a moratorium on the death penalty. This document was presented by the Finish Presidency already at the last UN General Assembly of December 2006.
UNPO believes therefore that after 13 years of preparations and work, the time is right to capitalise on these positive developments, insisting that the UN take action now.
UNPO has consequently called upon its members to lend their voice in support the Nonviolent Radical Party’s appeal to the Italian Government, urging them to table a resolution immediately, based on the Political Declaration already presented in December, and calling for a vote on a Universal Moratorium on the Death Penalty by the end of the current session (61st) of the UN General Assembly.