23 September 2011 :
"It isn't great company to be in, countries that still use the death penalty- the Unites States and "rogue nations",” Sergio D’Elia said after the execution in Georgia of Troy Davis.“A man who was most likely innocent, the latest in a long series of executions in which guilt was at least doubtful,” D’Elia continued. “The USA should now free itself from the anachronism of the death penalty. It is used by China, Iran and North Korea, which are the highest executioners in the world, and who the United States rightly denounces for their systematic violations of human rights.”
“The great American democracy cannot allow a justice so merciless. It is not justice and very often it does not even save the innocent.” “The use of the archaic biblical conception of an eye for an eye in the oldest and most stable democracy, when it doesn't even have proper safeguards, does not make a big difference from the summary use of talion law in vogue in fundamentalist Islamic regimes.”
(Sources: HOC, 22/09/2011)