USA - Texas. Brittany Holberg’s conviction reversed

USA - Brittany Holberg (TX)

09 March 2025 :

MARCH 7, 2025 - Texas. Brittany Holberg’s death sentence reversed

Federal appeals court tosses conviction of woman who has spent 27 years on death row, saying her trial was tainted because of information prosecutors hid.

Brittany Holberg, now 52, White, a drug user and prostitute, was 23 when she was sentenced in the November 1996 slaying of a former client, 80-year-old A. B. Towery.

But the Fifth Circuit appeals court, in a 2-1 ruling, said the jury was never told that a witness against her had been working for months as a paid police informant.

The court erased both the murder conviction and death sentence and sent the case back to lower courts to decide how to proceed.


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