07 July 2011 :
Vietnam was supposed to execute the condemned by lethal injection as of July 1 instead of the firing squad but the plan has been delayed, probably until September.The switch to lethal injection was passed by the legislature National Assembly last year but Ministry of Public Security has proposed a delay until September 1 for some preparations.
The ministry has submitted the postponement plan to the National Assembly’s Justice Committee, blaming it on “unavailable conditions” for the injections.
According to Le Thi Nga, deputy chairperson of the Committee, facilities for lethal injection need to be set up and executioners also need to be trained in the new method.
Relevant agencies are also stepping up the completion of a decree to guide the implementation of the Law, the official said.
Under the Law on Execution of Criminal Verdicts that took effect from July 1, Vietnam will carry out the death penalty using lethal injection.
The Committee urged the ministry to step up its preparations so that lethal injection can be applied as soon as possible.
The ministry has submitted a plan to build lethal injection facilities to the Prime Minister for approval.
Due to the delay, the schedule for execution will also be postponed until September, Nga said.
(Sources: English.Vietnamnet.vn, 06/07/2011)