15 May 2012 :
In Vietnam, a Ho Chi Minh City court has handed the death sentence to the leader of a violent revenge fight that killed two bystanders in 2007.Le Hoang Du Tien, 31, received the death sentence for murder. The same charges gave his gang member Do Van Giau, 36, a life sentence, and Nguyen Minh Thuan, 32, a 20-year jail term.
The three were identified as the planners and instigators of the fight at an eatery in District 9 in 2007, Tuoi Tre reported.
Tien was from Binh Duong Province, which neighbors HCMC, and so were most of the men than joined his side of the fight, which involved a large number of falchions, which are swords similar to kitana blades.
Tien and his men attacked a man named Tuan, the eatery’s owner, and several people who were sitting with him at the restaurant.
Tuan had attacked Thuan’s older brother earlier, causing “only slight injuries,” according to the jury.
But Tien and his men spared no one in the eatery and killed two people who were, by chance, sitting with Tuan.
The judges said the gang members had frightened local residents and showed a disrespect for the law only to show off their power, attacking anyone in the eatery regardless of whether or not they were involved in the previous attack.
Three other men involved in the fight received ten years in jail and three others received seven years each. All were charged with murder.
(Sources: thanhniennews.com, 11/05/2012)