04 March 2013 :

In Zambia, a 24-year-old Kabwe woman who murdered her baby by throwing it in a water well citing economic challenges has been sentenced to death by hanging.
Kabwe High Judge Elita Mwikisa sentenced Agness Njovu to death after the court found her guilty of having caused the death of a one-year six months old baby identified as Angelina Mumba, saying she had no right to take the life of her own child.
This is in case in which Ms Njovu was facing one count of murder and is alleged to have committed the crime on April 13, 2012 after she threw the toddler and another four-year old girl into a well but members of the public managed to retrieve the four-year old.
During trial the prosecution called five witnesses among them Fazier Shamboko who assisted in retrieving the body of the child, the accused and another girl.
And arresting officer Joseph Mwansa testified that he instituted investigations after he was allocated a docket and that he discovered that the well was 24-metres deep and that the accused person threw herself in the same well to end her life after realising what she had done.
He said the accused person indicated to him that due to economic challenges and that her children were going through she was unable to meet their needs, she thought the best way out was for her to die together with the children.
In her judgment, Judge Mwikisa said it was saddening that the accused ended the life of her own child and that despite the challenges, it was not wise to act in such a manner and that she has going to pay for her actions.
"Unfortunately my hands are tied because the charge you are faced with is very serious which attracts a sentence of death penalty and cannot be reduced. I therefore sentence you to death, to be hanged until you are pronounced dead," she said.
After the sentence was passed the convict looked shocked and started fighting back before she was whisked out of the court room.

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