convicted murderer Wesley Eugene Baker was executed in Maryland for fatally shooting a teacher's aide in front of two of her grandchildren. Baker, 47, died by lethal injection at 9:18 pm EST (0218 GMT) at the Maryland Diagnostic and Classification Center in Baltimore.
Read everythingSecretary of Hands Off Cain Sergio D’Elia delivered to Italy’s President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi the appeal signed by Italy’s Parliamentarians and Regional Presidents to California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for the suspension of the scheduled execution of Stanley ‘Tookie’ Williams due to take place on December 13.
Read everythingthe press conference for the presentation of the appeal by Italy’s ‘Governors’ to ask California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger clemency for Stanley ‘Tookie’ Williams, scheduled to be put to death on December 13, was held in Rome at Hands Off Cain’s headquarters.
Read everythingthere will be the presentation of the petition signed by the italian governors to California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to halt the executions of Stanley “Tookie” Williams, whose execution is scheduled on december 13th.
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