Five people were sentenced to death and one to life imprisonment on 25 April 2022 in the state of Uttar Pradesh, for murdering two persons over a land dispute in Aligarh, in 2015.
The lower house of the Belarusian parliament has approved Criminal Code amendments that introduce tougher punishments, ranging to the death penalty, for terrorism.
She saved 32 men from the gallows
Nagaenthran Dharmalingam, a Malaysian with learning disabilities who was convicted of drug trafficking in 2010 and whose case attracted global attention, has been executed in Singapore’s Changi prison.
A man from Vietnam’s Mekong Delta region on 12 April 2022 was condemned to death for murdering his elder sister and stealing their parents’ money last year.
But no federal death row inmates
Earlier threats to sentence them to death
At least 333 people were executed in 2021
Zambia High Court has sentenced two police officers to death by hanging for killing a suspect in custody, Zambia Daily Mail reported on 12 April 2022.
A report from Javanehha
To Mr Volker Turk - the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and to Ms. Mai Sato - the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran