Nations that abolish the death penalty then tend to see their murder rates decline, according to a December 2018 report by the Abdorrahman Boroumand Center, a Washington, DC-based organization that promotes human rights and democracy in Iran.
Read everythingBahrain’s High Court of Appeal on 26 December 2018 unanimously upheld a verdict handed down to 26 suspects in the 2015 Abu Saiba bombings that killed a security officer and injured many others including civilians, announced Chief of the Terror Crime Prosecution Advocate General Chancellor Ahmed al-Hammadi.
Read everythingToni Youssef, the son of the Coptic dead owner of the Roastery in Alexandria, confirmed the execution of his father's murderer, Adel Abdel-Nour, and called "Asaliyah", The Egyptians reported on 31 December 2018.
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