The Islamic State executed a seven-year-old little boy for swearing while he was playing soccer with friends
the North Korean state news media published list of officials newly selected for senior posts, which also
Pakistan put to death three prisoners convicted of murder in different cases.
One prisoner was hanged publicly in the "Azadi" (Liberty) Square of Kermanshah, western Iran.
The Supreme Court of Belarus has upheld the death sentence passed in February 2016 upon Syarhei
An Egyptian court recommended death sentences for six codefendants of Mohamed Morsi but not for the
Six terrorists who had been awarded capital punishment on charge of involvement in subversive activities were executed in Pul-e-Charkhi prison of Kabul, a Presidential Palace’s statemen said.
Bangladesh’s Supreme Court upheld the death sentence of top Islamist party leader Motiur Rahman Nizami
Additional district and session judge court in Nilphamari sentenced one person to death for making fake
Saudi Arabia put to death a Jordanian convicted of drug trafficking, in the kingdom’s 91st execution this year.
Three former chief justices of the Florida Supreme Court and a group of legal scholars and death penalty
The mullahs’ regime in Iran hanged five prisoners, including a man in public.
To Mr Volker Turk - the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and to Ms. Mai Sato - the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran