A court in Madhya Pradesh, India, awarded death penalty to two people for killing
A man was executed by firing squad in Abu Dhabi after being convicted of murdering an
The Federal Court in Sabah State, Malaysia, upheld two men’s conviction and death sentence for
Richard Stokley, 60, white, was executed in Arizona for the July 8, 1991 rape and murder of two 13 year old girls, Mandy Meyers and Mary Snyder.
In Japan, the Tottori District Court sentenced a 38-year-old bar worker to death for killing
A man in Zhangye city, Gansu province, was sentenced to death by a local court after
At least 970 inmates in Nigerian prisons are on death row, awaiting their execution. This
George Ochoa, 38, Hispanic, was executed in Oklahoma.
In Afghanistan, the Appellant Court of western Herat province awarded death sentence to three
The Chinese national who killed three women in a flat in Yishun three years ago was
In a first case of pardon by President Pranab Mukherjee after assuming office, death sentence
four prisoners, including one woman, were hanged in Kermanshah (Western Iran).
Two political prisoners who could be executed within hours