The High Court in Malaysia sent a Filipino ex-convict to the gallows after he was found guilty
In Pakistan, an application on behalf of the Watan Party was moved in the Supreme
Delma Banks, 53, black, one of the longest serving inmates in Texas death-penalty history, received
A man sentenced to death over a series of deadly bomb blasts in Myanmar's main city in
The presentation of Hands Off Cain's 2012 Report, ‘The Death Penalty Worldwide’, edited by Elisabetta Zamparutti, was held at the headquarters of HOC in Rome.
In December 2012, the General Assembly will vote a new resolution in favor of a moratorium
There is potential for abolishing the death penalty among the newly democratized southern Mediterranean
Two death-row inmates were hanged in Tokyo and Osaka, in the second round of executions
Iran complained to Saudi government for ignoring Judicial Accord it signed with the Islamic
Three members of an Iranian family were saved from the gallows when the High Court
An appeals court in Quang Ninh Province in northern Vietnam upheld the death
In Uttar Predesh (India) a court sentenced seven persons to gallows for killing a
Two political prisoners who could be executed within hours