a Lebanese military court convicted a man of spying for Israel and sentenced
the Specialised Penal Court in Hadramout, Yemen, sentenced 11 Yemenis to
Davidson County Chancellor Claudia Bonnyman upheld the Tennessee's revised execution
Two men were hanged in the prison of Isfahan, central Iran, early this morning.
an appeals court in India confirmed the conviction and death sentence for the only surviving
Four men were hanged in the prison of Kerman, south east of Iran.
Judge Abdu al-Awadhi of the Specialised Penal Court in Yemen's Hadramout province
Egypt's State Security Emergency Court ratified the death sentence against Mohammed
Court of Appeal President Tan Sri Alauddin Mohd Sheriff and Federal Court
a Jordanian court commuted the death sentence of a 43-year-old man for killing
“I am deeply disappointed and concerned by the decision taken on Friday (February
Justice Tendai Uchena of High Court in Zimbabwe sentenced a Karoi man,
To Mr Volker Turk - the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and to Ms. Mai Sato - the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran