executions in the world:

In 2025


2000 to present



  • Abolitionist
  • retentionist
  • De facto abolitionist
  • Moratorium on executions
  • Abolitionist for ordinary crimes
  • Committed to abolishing the death penalty


government: constitutional monarchy (emirate)
state of civil and political rights: Partly free
constitution: 11 November 1962
legal system: mixed legal system consisting of English common law, French civil law, and Islamic sharia law
legislative system: Unicameral National Assembly (Majlis al-umma)
judicial system: Constitutional Court (consists of 5 judges); Supreme Court or Court of Cassation (organized into several circuits, each with 5 judges); High Court of Appeal; Court of First Instance; Summary Court
religion: Muslim (official) 74.6%, Christian 18.2%, other and unspecified 7.2% (2013 est.)
death row: 36 (as of 14 August 2016, according to Al-Shahed daily)
year of last executions: 1-4-2013
death sentences: 7
executions: 6
international treaties on human rights and the death penalty:





Death penalty for drug-related crimes


Death penalty for rape


Death penalty for violent crimes



Asia, Middle East, Australia and Oceania