09 June 2016 :
Six militants of banned outfits Jama’atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) and Ansarullah Bangla Team have been sentenced to death over robbery at a private bank at Ashulia last year that led to death of eight people.Two other militants of the outfits have been given three years in jail while two others have been acquitted as charges brought against them could not be proved.
On April 21 last year, the robbers shot eight people dead and injured at least 25 others in the Ashulia branch of Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd in broad daylight before leaving with looted Tk35 lakh.
A mob captured and beat one of the robbers to death on the spot.
According to the charge sheet, 13 people were involved in the robbery and the killings.
One of the 13 was killed by mob while the mastermind, Abdullah Al Baki, was later killed in a shootout with the law enforcers in the capital's Gabtoli area.
The charge sheeted 11 militants are Burhan Uddin, Al-Amin, Babul Sarder, Mintu Pradhan, Jasimuddin, Abdul Baten, Mozammel Haque, Ukil Hasan, Mahfuzul Haque, Shajahan Jamadar and Palash alias Sohel Ran.
Sohel Rana is absconding while the 10 others are now in jail.
(Sources: Sun Online Desk, 31/05/2016)