02 September 2008 :
‘The moratorium was achieved, now it needs to be applied,' Emma Bonino, Senate Vice President, said during a television interview. 'To this effect, on October 10, the World Day Against Capital Punishment, there will be a big initiative by the Chamber of Deputies, promoted by the other Radicals and Hands Off Cain, to ask the UN Secretary General to create a special envoy to travel the world and convince countries and parliaments to apply the Resolution on the moratorium in their territory.''Certainly the role of Italy is important.' Bonino then added that 'the event on October 10 will be a big occasion for our country to confirm its rightful commitment' and one hopes that 'it is Italy that carries forward the battle to have this envoy.'
Regarding China, who recently closed the Olympic Games, Bonino commented that 'definite reform by Xiao Yang, the President of the Supreme Court, will evidentally lead to a reduction in the number of death sentences, but in China it is more important to fight for greater transperancy.'
(Sources: ANSA, 30/08/2008)