23 October 2009 :
as many as four Tibetans were executed for their alleged involvement in the 2008 anti-China unrest in the Tibetan capital Lhasa, Dharamsala-based Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD) informed on October 22.TCHRD, which monitors human rights situation in Tibet, said it received confirmed information from reliable sources that at least four Tibetans - Lobsang Gyaltsen, Loyak, Penkyi and an unnamed Tibetan - were executed under the supervision of the Lhasa Municipality Intermediate People’s Court. Tibetan Government-in-exile has also confirmed the execution report. A report on its official website said Lobsang Gyaltsen, aged 27, born in Lhasa; Loyak, aged 25, of Tashi Khang, Shol Township, Lhasa and Penkyi, aged 21, born in Sakya County were executed in Lhasa on October 20. It said the identity of the fourth person is not known.
On October 21, Gu-Chu-Sum Movement of Tibet, an organisation of former Tibetan political Prisoners based in Dharamsala, said three unnamed Tibetans had been executed on October 20 at 11 AM (Beijing Time) in Lhasa. Gu-ChuSum identified one of them as Lobsang Tenzin from Lhasa. The other two were a woman from Nyemo County near Lhasa and a man from Ngaba County in Amdo.
Sources told TCHRD that the dead body of Lobsang Gyaltsen from Lubug, located on the outskirt of Lhasa city, was handed over to his family and his dead body was later known to have been immersed in Kyichu River.
The centre said it was not clear whether the victims were allowed to appeal their cases to the Supreme People’s Court.
TCHRD said no information on the execution of four Tibetans was reported anywhere in the Chinese state media and added that it was waiting for further information.
(Sources: Phayul, 22/10/2009)