08 August 2006 :
a Chinese government official has been executed for spying for Taiwan, and thousands of civil servants have been shown an “educational” video of the case as a warning, two government sources said.Tong Daning, who was in his mid 50s and held a rank equivalent to a notch below assistant minister in the National Development and Reform Commission, was executed in April, said the sources, who requested anonymity.
Tong sold classified documents in exchange for about $250,000 over 15 years, the source added. The commission for which he worked is responsible for economic planning and reform and does not deal directly with Taiwan issues.
Thousands of civil servants were required to watch a half-hour video entitled “The espionage case of Tong Daning stealing secrets” which showed the defendant standing trial, the sources said.
The video showed Tong getting into a police car and on his way to the execution ground, but it did not show the execution.
Several official Web sites – such as the Henan Daily, the Hunan weather bureau, Guangxi University and the state-owned China Nuclear Engineering and Construction Corp – said civil servants had watched the educational video. But they did not give details of Tong’s case or the video’s content.