25 January 2007 :
Minister Emma Bonino, the directors of Hands Off Cain Marco Pannella, Sergio D'Elia and Elisabetta Zamparutti, and the Italian Radicals Rita Bernardini and Maria Antonietta Coscioni thanked Walter Veltroni, the Mayor of Rome.After the lighting of the Colosseum, he obtained support for the universal moratorium on capital punishment from the mayors of 18 capital cities as well as mayors of other large European cities.
“We will continue to see an extraordinary alignment of politcal forces and public opinion for the initiative in favour of the UN moratorium on capital punishment, which also won the commitment of the Italian Government and the German EU Presidency. It is also a sign of the growth of the international mobilisation, starting with the non violent struggle of Hands Off Saddam, that makes it more possible to win a victory for humanity and civilisation for the whole world.
(Sources: NtC, Radicali Italiani, 24/01/2007)