14 July 2009 :
in a mass prison execution, Iran hanged 13 rebels from the Sunni insurgent group Jundallah as "enemies of God" for a string of attacks, including kidnapping of foreigners. The official IRNA news agency said the insurgents were executed in prison in Zahedan. "Thirteen members of this group were hanged this morning," provincial judiciary chief Ebrahim Hamidi was quoted as saying. The rebels were accused of being "mohareb" (enemies of God) and of "kidnapping foreigners, killing innocents and of carrying out terrorist acts for the Jundallah group," IRNA said, quoting a local judiciary statement. Media reports Abdolhamid Rigi, brother of Jundallah leader Abdolmalik Rigi, was executed were denied by Hamidi, who said Rigi would be executed later this week. According to Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, spokesperson of Iran Human Rights, "some of the prisoners who were hanged on July 14 in Zahedan, did not have any connection to Jundallah, and were not even aware of that they were going to be hanged."(Sources: AFP, 14/07/2009; Iran Human Rights, 25/07/2009)