04 December 2014 :
18 people were executed in three different Iranian prisons, according to unofficial sources. All the prisoners were convicted of drug-related charges and there were two women and one Afghan citizen among them.Eleven prisoners were hanged in the Ghezelhesar prison of Karaj (west of Tehran), reported the human rights activists news agency (HRANA) and the human rights and democracy activists in Iran (HRDAI). All the prisoners were convicted of drug-related charges according to the report. Iran Human Rights (IHR) has confirmed the executions.
HRDAI has identified seven of the prisoners by name and has claimed that there was one woman and one Afghan citizen among the prisoners executed.
HRANA also reported about seven other executions in two different prisons. Three male prisoners identified as Yadollah Fahimi, Mokhtar Davoudkhah and one female prisoner identified as Marziye Ostavari were hanged in the prison of Urmia (Northwestern Iran). Three other prisoners were hanged in the prison of Bandar Abbas (Southern Iran). These prisoners were identified as Ali Akbar Nouraddini, Alireza Ghorbani and Hossein Shahozehi.