18 May 2009 :
eight men were hanged in Iran for murder and drug trafficking.The first five were hanged in the Adelabad prison of Shiraz, reported the Iranian daily newspaper Etemad. All the men were convicted of murder and none of them were identifies by their names. Those executed were: a man convicted of murdering her wife in the prison in April 2006; young man charged with the murder of his friend in June 2006; man charged with murder of his mother and father in law in May 2003; 24 years old man charged with murder of a 45 years old man in July 2006; 25 years old man charged with murder of a man in September 2004.
Two men were hanged for drug trafficking in Isfahan, reported the daily newspaper Etemad. According to the report, Alireza Ch. and a second man were hanged in the morning.
A man was hanged for murder in Isfahan, reported the Etemad. The man was identified as Mahmood (age not given).
(Sources: IHR, 17/09/2009)