03 June 2009 :
Five people were hanged in the prison of Kerman, south east of Iran, reported the official news portal of the city.The men who were all convicted of drug trafficking, were identified as: Saeed B., Ali M., Noreddin K., Manochehr N. and Reza R.
Age of none of those executed was mentioned in the report.
The report didn’t say the exect time of the execution.
Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, the spokesperson of "Iran Human Rights" said: "At least 52 people have been executed in the month of May 2009 in Iran".
He added: "This number is only based on the official reports from the Iranian authorities. But we have reports on at least three other executions that have not been reported by the authorities".
(Sources: Iran Human Rights, 31/05/2009)