08 October 2012 :
Five prisoners were hanged in Shiraz (southern Iran), reported the Iranian state media.The official website of the Iranian judiciary in Fars Province, reported that two of the prisoners were hanged publicly in different squares of Shiraz, while the three others were hanged inside Adelabad prison.
According to the report the prisoners were identified as "A. P." convicted of carrying 185 kilograms of heroin and 72 kilograms of crack, "A. K." convicted of participation in selling 39 kilos and 800 grams of opium and carrying 9 kilos and 960 grams of opium, "M. A." convicted og carrying 4 kilograms of heroin, "A. S." convicted og keeping and selling 29 kilograms of Marijuana and more than 14 kilograms of opium, and "A. Z." convicted of keeping 2 kilograms of heroin.
Age and gender of the prisoners was not specified in the report.
According to Iran Human Rights’ annual report on the death penalty in 2011, more than 80% of those executed in Iran were charged with drug-related crimes, while only 9% of them were identified by their full names.
(Sources: Iran Human Rights, 07/10/2012)