23 September 2016 :
A prisoner sentenced to public execution for rape and murder was hanged in public at a sports stadium in the city of Neyriz (Fars province, southern Iran) in the morning.According to Iranian state run news agency Mehr, quoting the press department of the Judiciary in Fars, a prisoner identified as "Saeed T." was hanged in public on the morning at a sports stadium in the city of Neyriz. Photos of this public hanging shows that at least one child was present and watching the execution.
This is not the first time that Iranian authorities have used a sports stadium to carry out an execution. In 2013, after learning about a public execution carried out in a sports stadium in northeastern Iran, FIFA issued a warning to Iranian officials and called on them to ensure that the act is not repeated.
"We call on the international community and the international sports organizations, including FIFA, to condemn the latest barbaric act. The Islamic Republic of Iran and territories controled by ISIS are the only places where we are aware of sports arenas being used for public executions," says Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, spokesperson of Iran Human Rights.
"According to the Iranian law, all public punishments must be approved by the local representatives of government, currently led by Hassan Rouhani. President Rouhani must be held accountable for public executions in Iran, which are meant to terrorize Iranian society," says Amiry-Moghaddam.
Iranian official sources say the prisoner was sentenced to death by Branch 1 of the Fars criminal court. The following is a breakdown of the charges and sentencing: sentenced to public execution for rape, sentenced to death for murder, sentenced to 15 years in prison for kidnapping, sentenced to 10 years in prison and 74 lashes for robbery.