25 July 2012 :
In Liberia, the 9th Judicial Circuit Court in Gbarnga, Bong County sentenced a 38-year old man to death by hanging for the murder of one Annie Kpakilah, a petite trader. The ruling requires the endorsement of President Sirleaf before execution.Judge Emery Paye handed down the ruling against Modesco Nyanti following jurors' verdict on July 17. Ms. Kpakilah, was found dead between the towns of Gantayea and Lelieh on September 4, 2007, after being escorted by the convict.
Modesco who was identified as the last person seen with the victim before her death was arrested by the locals and held in custody before the arrival of police personnel. The defendant had earlier denied the charge when initially apprehended by the locals but admitted to the commission of the crime during police investigation.
Modesco appeared relaxed and sat attentively as Judge Paye read out the jurors' verdict, but protested being photograph by journalists despite permission by the presiding judge.
"Why are you taking my photo, don't take my picture" he aggressively protested. Modesco will be hung in Gbarnga from 6 am to 6 pm on a date to be decided if the president approves the court's verdict.
The sentence is a first of its kind to be handed down by the Gbarnga based circuit court. It is still unclear why the decision of the court was death by hanging because there have been similar murder cases with convicts getting live imprisonment, why others have been jailed for specific number of years.
(Sources: allafrica.com, 20/07/2012)