09 April 2014 :
Quoting an anonymous source, South Korean newspaper The Chosun Ilbo reported that O Sang Hon, the deputy public security minister, was “executed by flame-thrower.”The South Korean newspaper cited the killing as being the second part of a three-part purge campaign to destroy any lingering support or loyalty to Jang Song-thaek, Kim Jong-un’s once-powerful uncle who was executed in December 2013. The third purge will reportedly target supporters in provincial chapters of the Workers Party. Jang Song-thaek's family was killed in the first purge, with the exception of Jang Yong-Chol, his nephew, who was kept in a concentration camp before being ordered to return to the capital, Pyongyang.
The flame-thrower execution was apparently reserved for O Sang Hon after he turned his ministry into a personal protection squad for Jang Song-thaek.
The Washington Post cautioned that the story hasn't been confirmed by a second news source, and that the flame-thrower report could be an attempt by Western media outlets to garner clicks and social media shares.
(Sources: washingtonpost.com and newsmax.com: 08/04/2014)