18 December 2014 :
Pakistan is preparing to execute 55 inmates on death row after the country ended the moratorium on the death penalty in terror-related cases.According to a report there are 522 criminals sentenced to death in terror and other cases related to serious crimes in the country. 11 of these criminals were convicted by a military court. The most death row convicts are from Punjab with 465, 14 are from Sindh, 30 from Khyber Pakhutunkhwa and 13 from Balochistan.
The mercy appeals of 55 death row inmates have been dismissed by the Supreme Court and President Mamnoon Hussain.
Pakistan ended its moratorium on the death penalty in terror-related cases on Wednesday (December 17). The decision to lift the ban was made following the carnage at the Army Public School in Peshawar. Taliban gunmen stormed the school on Tuesday (December 16) and killed 146 people including 135 children.
President Mamnoon Hussain on December 18 rejected appeal to mercy of 17 criminals convicted for death penalty. Out of those 17 convicted for terrorism, 10 belong to Punjab, six from Sindh and one from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The execution is expected to be carried soon, Dawn has learnt.
The Lahore High Court (LHC) has directed provisional and federal governments to submit their para-wise comments by January 9, 2015, regarding inmates who were convicted on terrorism charges and are currently on death row.
Judicial Activism Panel Chairman Mohammad Azhar Siddique filed an application a day before, in which he asked the court to direct the federal and provisional governments in the process of issuing death warrants for those convicted for terrorism, and are currently on death row.
Siddique in his application also sought answers to questions as to why it was taking so long for the death warrants to be issued and why were some cases still pending.