28 July 2016 :
Two Saudi millionaires has donated SR225,000 (Php2.8 million) to pay the blood money (diya) for a Filipino driver convicted of killing an Indian man and was subject to death sentence but was luckily save by the two Saudi gentlemen.The Filipino was driving a van on the road in the central Al Rass town when he hit the pedestrian, killing him instantly, ‘Sabq’ said. After driver was convicted of killing the Indian guy, the latter’s family demanded diya (blood money) of SR225,000 so he could walk free and escape execution. The practice is done under Islamic law and is strictly enforced in Saudi Arabia. The victim’s family could sent any amount they want in exchange for their relative’s life; though the standard diya for a Muslim victim is SR300,000.
Unfortunately, the Filipino worker did not have the money to pay for the diya and he would have been executed. It was lucky for him that two Saudi nationals took pity on him and paid for his diya. The news report did not reveal why these Saudi men paid for the Filipino driver’s diya nor did it release the names of those involved in the incident but verified that “The court has just sent a letter to the prison to release the Filipino and consider the case closed.”
(Sources: kami.com.ph, 27/07/2016)