18 July 2014 :
Two Singaporeans, Tang Hai Liang, 36, and Foong Chee Peng, 48, had their death sentences carried out today at Changi Prison Complex.Both Tang Hai Liang and Foong Chee Peng were convicted of trafficking in a controlled drug and sentenced to death. Tang Hai Liang was found to have trafficked 89.55g of diamorphine and Foong Chee Peng was found to have trafficked 40.23g of diamorphine. The Misuse of Drugs Act provides for the death penalty if the amount of diamorphine (or pure heroin) trafficked is 15g or more.
A thorough review of the mandatory death penalty in our laws was conducted from July 2011. A moratorium on executions was placed while the law was being reviewed. The changes to the mandatory death penalty regime were passed by Parliament in November 2012 after a full debate, and came into force in January 2013. All persons already sentenced to death under the Misuse of Drugs Act by the time the new legislation came into force were given the opportunity to elect to be considered for re-sentencing under the new regime.
Tang Hai Liang and Foong Chee Peng had been accorded full due process, including the opportunity to appeal to the Court of Appeal and to elect to be considered for re-sentencing under the new regime.
Tang Hai Liang and Foong Chee Peng both appeared in person before an Assistant Registrar in the High Court to confirm that they did not wish to be part of the re-sentencing process, and that they understood the consequences of their respective decisions.
Both of them were represented by counsel throughout the legal process, and were also given the opportunity to petition the President for Clemency.
Tang Hai Liang and Foong Chee Peng both elected not to petition the President for Clemency. An unsigned petition for Clemency was subsequently submitted on Tang Hai Liang’s behalf. Tang Hai Liang indicated that he did not wish to appeal for Clemency and that the petition had been submitted by his family without his prior knowledge. This petition for Clemency was turned down and his family was informed of the decision.
(Sources: Central Narcotics Bureau, July 18, 2014)