03 November 2008 :
Amnesty International said that the girl stoned to death in Somalia this week was 13 years old, not 23, contrary to earlier news reports. She had been accused of adultery in breach of Islamic law.Somali journalists who had reported she was 23 have told Amnesty International that they judged her age by her physical appearance. Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow was killed on 27 October, by a group of 50 men in a stadium in the southern port of Kismayu, in front of around 1,000 spectators.
Inside the stadium, militia members opened fire when some of the witnesses to the killing attempted to save her life, and shot dead a boy who was a bystander.
She was accused of adultery, but sources told Amnesty International that she had in fact been raped by three men, and had attempted to report this rape to the al-Shabab militia who control Kismayo.
It was this act that resulted in her being accused of adultery and detained.
None of men she accused of rape were arrested.
(Sources: AI, 31/10/2008)