27 February 2008 :
five individuals from Nile State were executed in Kobar prison in Khartoum, Sudan.Their names are: Yaser Sayed (27 years old, single, farmer), Esmaiel al-Hage (27, married, farmer), Ayoub Ahmed al-Misbah (30, single, farmer), Mohamed Abdalla Mustafa (25, single, farmer), Adil Bilal Daf al-Seed (25, single, farmer) .
The men, from the village of al-Bouga, were convicted by the Berber criminal court for the murder of 30-year-old farmer Hassan Mohamed Hassan in 2004.
Defence lawyers had since exhausted all routes of appeal, including taking the case to Sudan's Constitutional Court.
Relatives had also failed in an effort to get the sentence delayed while they sought to reconcile with the family of Hassan Mohamed Hassan, who had rejected the option of accepting blood money instead of the death sentence.