21 February 2014 :
A girl was stoned to death in Syria for having a Facebook account. Fatoum Al-Jassem was executed by a mob of Islamic extremists after being sentenced to death by a Sharia court, the Iranian news agency FNA reported, quoting the Arabic news and opinion website Al-Rai Al-Youm.The Al-Reqqa religious court, under the jurisdiction of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), ruled that having a Facebook account was “Zina” or immoral behavior, and deserved to be penalized the same way as adultery.
ISIS is a predominantly Sunni jihadist group, which has been active in the civil war against President Bashar al-Assad in Syria and government forces in Iraq. Its goal is to overthrow the Assad government and to create an Pan-Islamic state under Sharia and aims to reinstate the Caliphate.
The central leadership of al-Qaeda sharply renounced ties with the extremist Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, since ISIS’s savagery and draconian interpretations of Islamic law has alienated many Syrians and drove a wedge between rebel groups.
(Sources: thedailystar.net, 14/02/2014; examiner.com, 16/02/2014)