Two men in connection with China tainted milk scandal have been sentenced to death
Uganda's Supreme Court ruled that death sentences be commuted to life imprisonment after
According to the Iranian media 19 people were hanged in Iran in the last two days.
the execution of a Mexican national in Texas in 2008 breached US obligations under international law, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) held.
a Jordanian woman, 31, was sentenced to death by the criminal court for murdering her husband, a judicial official said.
two convicts were executed in the Barisal district central jail in Bangladesh in the early hours of the morning.
two prisoners in Mymensingh, Bangladesh, were executed in the early hours of the morning, prison authorities said the next day.
a court in east China's Fujian Province executed a man for smuggling and trafficking about
a Turkish barber in Saudi Arabia who was sentenced to death by a Jeddah court on blasphemy
a man convicted of killing three children in Jamaica was sentenced to hang, in the first death sentence
a Saudi Arabian minor convicted of murder was beheaded by the sword in the south-western border town of Abha.
His excellency the President of Zambia, Rupiah Bwezani Banda, pardoned and commuted the
Two political prisoners who could be executed within hours