A Vietnamese-Canadian man, along with three accomplices, was sentenced to death on December 16, 2024 for trafficking over 100 kg of drugs into Vietnam.
Mohammad Vazir Roudini, Yaghoub Barahouyi Moghaddam, Elias Tardast and Alireza Galebacheh
Mohammad Ali Kharkouhi, Reza Kharkouhi, Abdolbaset Toutazehi, Abdolnasser Toutazehi, Ne’matollah Toutazehi, Salah Rahimi + unidentified woman
Zimbabwe’s Senate has approved a bill to abolish the death penalty, a key step in scrapping a law last used in the southern African nation nearly 20 years ago.
Hrana (and HoC) already gave the news, speaking of “only” 9 executions.
Two political prisoners who could be executed within hours