But no international reaction
A local court in Ongole, Andhra Pradesh, on 24 May 2021 sentenced 12 members of a notorious gang to death and seven others to life imprisonment for highway robberies and murders.
The Patna High Court on 21 May 2021 acquitted 13 accused persons in the Senari massacre case in which 34 persons were killed on 18 March 1999 by an erstwhile Maoist group in Senari village in central Bihar.
A 33-year-old man of Chipili district who allegedly defiled and murdered his three-day old daughter was sentenced to death on 21 May 2021.
Women's right activist
Human rights defender
117th woman executed during Hassan Rouhani’s tenure
For murder
A "qassameh" case
The Ho Chi Minh City People’s Court on 19 May 2021 imposed the death penalty upon three men for a series of drug-related crimes.
A married couple was sent to the gallows on 21 May 2021 by the High Court of Shah Alam after they were found guilty of murdering their eight-year-old son at a massage centre where they worked, four years ago.
At Urmia Central Prison on May 17
Two political prisoners who could be executed within hours