For drugs
A woman was sentenced to death on 19 May 2021 after a court in Changsha, capital of Hunan province, identified her as having murdered a judge at the beginning of this year.
A Hanoi man received a death sentence for transporting over 2.5 kilos of ecstasy into the city last year.
Scheduled to be executed June 2, 2021
For sex crimes
On drug-related charges
without media witnesses
The Sindh High Court commuted on 18 May 2021 the death sentence awarded to a murder convict into life imprisonment.
He was on the "Death Commission"
They already had 10
The new law becomes effective on May 17
A Court of Appeal on 13 May 2021 upheld a High Court’s judgement, which sentenced a middle-aged man to death for taking part in the killing of a man, who had been mistaken for a thief, the Standard reported on 18 May 2021.
Two political prisoners who could be executed within hours