Mr. Oyenye Obasi, a 33-year-old man who was convicted at the age of 17 in Ibadan, regained freedom through the prerogative of mercy granted by former Oyo State Governor Abiola Ajimobi at the tail end of his administration.
Read everythingEgypt's first democratically elected president Mohamed Morsi, an Islamist who was ousted after one year of divisive rule, died after falling ill during a court hearing on 17 June 2019, the attorney general said. He was 67.
Read everythingFor the "Hands off Cain" association, which for years has been involved, with the Radical Party, in the abolition of the life sentence, the judgment of the European Court for Human Rights in the case of Marcello Viola vs Italy is a historical pronouncement.
Read everythingA military court in Blida, 45 km South-west of Algiers, has pressed death sentence against three members of the former Security and Intelligence Directorate (DRS) for providing intelligence to foreign countries.
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