A Rangpur court sentenced four people to death and another one to three years’ imprisonment over the
The Florida Supreme Court overturned three death sentences, but upheld the death sentence for one other
Seven people, among them a member of the ruling family who killed his nephew, were hanged
two new death sentences by hanging were issued in the Gaza Strip.
31 persons were executed for their alleged role in Speicher's massacre in 2014, Iraqi Justice Ministry announced.
The Dubai Court of Appeals upheld the death sentence of Jordanian Nidal Eissa Abdullah, the killer of
two prisoners were hanged in Orumieh Central Prison on drug-related charges. They were identified as:
The Texas Court of Appeals for the 13th District, an intermediate state appellate court, has dismissed all
Three Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) operatives were sentenced to death by a Bengal court.
Isaiah McCoy, 29, Black, a former Delaware death row inmate, was exonerated on January 19, 2017, when Kent County Superior Court Judge Robert B. Young acquitted him at a retrial.
five prisoners were reportedly hanged in Iran in two different cities.
A military court in Cairo sentenced 35 Egyptians to death by hanging and 54 to life in prison on charges of
Two political prisoners who could be executed within hours