Two prisoners with murder charges were reportedly hanged at Karaj's Rajai Shahr Prison (northern Iran).
The Criminal Court sentenced two Egyptians to death for smuggling huge quantities of drugs into the
Earl Forrest, 66, White, was put to death.
Saudi national Mohsen al-Dosari was executed for stabbing to death another Saudi man following a dispute,
Two prisoners with murder charges were reportedly hanged at Darya, Urmia's central prison (in the province of West Azerbaijan, northwestern Iran).
Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami chief Matiur Rahman Nizami was hanged inside the Dhaka Central Jail after he was found guilty of genocide by International Crimes Tribunal.
Taiwan executed a former college student who killed four people in a random stabbing spree on a subway
The Islamic State executed a seven-year-old little boy for swearing while he was playing soccer with friends
the North Korean state news media published list of officials newly selected for senior posts, which also
Pakistan put to death three prisoners convicted of murder in different cases.
One prisoner was hanged publicly in the "Azadi" (Liberty) Square of Kermanshah, western Iran.
The Supreme Court of Belarus has upheld the death sentence passed in February 2016 upon Syarhei
Two political prisoners who could be executed within hours