Moses Kirimi, a man who posed as a passenger and stole from a Boda Boda Rider has been sentenced to death in Kenya, Nairobi Gossip Club reported on 3 November 2022.
International support grew at the United Nations for a moratorium on executions.
The Supreme Court of India on 7 November 2022 acquitted three men sentenced to death in the brutal gangrape-cum-murder of a 19-year-old woman in Delhi’s Chhawla in 2012.
UNICEF statement expressed deep concern
Mahan Sedarat
It is unclear whether this is a new law or just a "recommendation"
Somalia military court on 1 November 2022 executed by firing squad an Al-Shabaab operative in a public square in Galkayo, the capital of the Mudug region.
Saeed Moghadam, Sajjad Yousefi, Nasser, Reza, and Nasser Iranshahi
To Mr Volker Turk - the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and to Ms. Mai Sato - the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran