25 days after his brother Ali’s execution in the same prison
Pham Van Tang, 32 years old, was sentenced to death on 26 August 2022 in Vietnam for driving a motorbike carrying 9 kg of drugs and running at police while under siege in Vu Quang district.
South Sudan on 8 August 2022 executed rebel officers who were forcefully deported by authorities in Sudan, according to a video and pictures Sudan Tribune obtained after the execution.
An Egyptian criminal court sentenced a judge to death on 16 August 2022 for the murder of his wife, in what is one of the most high-profile murder cases in the country in recent months.
The Higher Crime Committee in the Gaza Strip on 25 August 2022 issued a death sentence against (‘A. Sh.), from Gaza City, after he was convicted of premeditated murder of (‘A. ‘A) in a family dispute that took place on 3 March 2021.
Four ISIS members failed to have their death sentence overturned in the Appeals Court in the Puntland state of Somalia, GAROWE ONLINE reported on 19 August 2022.
A U.S. citizen sentenced to death by a Chinese court for "intentional homicide" of his former girlfriend lost his appeal on 25 August 2022, state broadcaster CCTV reported.
Rahim Qanbarzahi (Ghanbarzehi) and Mujtabi Khadmini Nejad (Khademinejad)
Two political prisoners who could be executed within hours