Probably a juvenile at the time of the alleged crime
Farshad Gamshadzehi may have been a juvenile offender
The Privy Council has ruled that the mandatory sentence of death for murder in Trinidad and Tobago is constitutional, and only Parliament can reform and update the laws.
Belarus has introduced the death penalty for planning an attack or "attempting an act of terrorism", according to a decree issued on 18 May 2022 — charges that target many opposition activists.
A Chittagong court on 18 May 2022 sentenced three people to death for killing a two-year-old boy in 2020.
The man was unable to pay the €23.000 diya (reparation)
An Algerian military officer and close ally of the former army chief has been sentenced to death over charges of “high treason”, the French-language daily El Watan reported on 15 May 2022.
An international panel of human rights experts on 13 May 2022 called on Taiwan to end the "cruel and degrading" practice of capital punishment.
Two political prisoners who could be executed within hours