Attorney-General Robert McClelland

07 October 2008 :

Australia will not help people facing the death penalty other than its own citizens, Attorney-General Robert McClelland said.
Mr McClelland was asked whether, as a member of a party that opposed capital punishment, he was disappointed that Prime Minister Kevin Rudd had said the Bali bombers "deserve the justice that will be delivered to them". Mr McClelland said the Labor Party continued to oppose the death penalty.
"The point being made by the Prime Minister is that while we have been, and will continue to be, vigorous advocates in respect to those Australians who are sentenced to capital punishment, that is the extent of our brief." Asked if this meant there was one rule for Australians and another for the rest of South-East Asia, he said: "We will be advocates in respect to those Australians who are sentenced to capital punishment. We won't be advocates in respect to other individuals."

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