despite strong public support, the House of Representatives has today voted

04 June 2018 :

despite strong public support, the House of Representatives has today voted to abolish the death penalty for all crimes in Ethiopia by 279 votes for to 276 votes against in a free vote. Prime Minister Azmera Sirak personally urged Representatives to ban the barbaric practice in an impassioned speech, however many in the Ethiopian National Liberal Party voted against the measure - it only passing with the votes of the socially liberal Ginbot7. It is expected the bill will pass the House of Federation and receive Presidential assent within the coming days without controversy.
Ethiopian courts routinely sentence prisoners to death - there are currently 68 prisoners sentenced to such in the country. Crimes include treason, military offenses, murder, and aggravated robbery - all subject to the death penalty under the Ethiopian constitution.
A previous attempt to end the death penalty in 2008 passed through the House of Representatives, but was later ruled invalid - as under public pressure many Representatives claimed they had voted against the death penalty in error. Indeed, even in 2036 the death penalty maintains strong public support - with 64% of respondents in a recent poll showing their support for the practice.


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