IRAN - Bidollah Gorgij executed in Zahedan on July 30

IRAN - Bidollah Gorgij

09 August 2023 :

(July 30, 2023) - Bidollah Gorgij (Baidullah Gergich, Baydollah Gorgij, Bidullah Gergij, Baidullah Gorgij) executed in Zahedan on July 30.
According to Hal Vash, a Baluch man was secretly executed in Zahedan Central Prison on 30 July. His identity has been reported as 43-year-old Bidollah Gorgij, sentenced to death for drug-related charges.
A source told Hal Vash: “Bidollah Bigi was arrested around two years ago. He was executed without his family being notified and having a last visit. Prison authorities called the family the next morning and told them to come to the prison to pick up the body from the Forensic Medical Organisation.”
At the time of writing, his execution has not been reported by domestic media in Iran.


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