Majid Jamali-Fashi

29 August 2011 :

in Iran, Majid Jamali-Fashi was sentenced to death for murdering scientist Massoud Ali-Mohammadi in January 2010 on behalf of Israel to stop Iran developing nuclear technology, official news agency IRNA reported. IRNA quoted a judiciary spokesman as saying Majid was convicted of “waging war against God” and being “corrupt on Earth.” The prosecution said Jamali-Fashi had traveled to Israel to receive training from the Mossad intelligence agency, and had been paid $120,000 for the assassination.
An Iranian opposition website said at the time that Ali-Mohammadi was an opposition supporter who had backed moderate candidate Mir hossein Mousavi in the disputed June 2009 presidential election, suggesting there may be other motives for his murder.

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