21 November 2011 :

a company director and his two children were sentenced to death by the High Court in Malaysia for processing drugs for trafficking.
Ong Hooi Beng, 50, his son Eng Keat, 26, and daughter Gaik Ee, 24, were found guilty of pro­ces­sing 368.12kg of methamphetamine for tra­f­f­­icking at Zmas Synergy Sdn Bhd in Taman Makmur, Lunas, Kulim at about 4pm on July 9, 2006.
Justice Mohd Azman Husin passed the mandatory death sentence on them after finding that they had failed to raise a reasonable doubt on the prosecution’s case.
Mohd Azman said Hooi Beng was the company’s director, Gaik Ee a shareholder and Eng Keat a general worker.
“Therefore, they must have some kno­­w­­­ledge of the activities that were carried out in the factory.
“There is only one sentence for the charge and that is the death penalty.
“However, it is not the end of the road for the three of you, as you can still appeal in the higher courts,” he said.
Evidence showed there were traces of methamphetamine under their nails and on their hair.
Police had seized several types of utensils and instruments used to process the drug.

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